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All About CoolSculpting

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I’ve been making a huge effort in my health and wellness routine lately, and my body is slowly starting to reap the benefits of a more rigorous exercise routine. One area that I’ve seen little change in is my lower stomach. I’ve been hearing about those seemingly gimmicky “freeze the fat” treatments for years. I was extremely curious, so I did my research and found a lot of promising information on the treatment called CoolSculpting. When it comes to beauty procedures, I only like to use trusted and reputable practices, so that’s why I went with Blackhawk Plastic Surgery, a top rated practice located Danville led by experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Stephen J Ronan MD. Combined with a proper diet and exercise routine, CoolSculpting is a wildly popular treatment targeted at reducing stubborn fat. Over 1 million treatments have been performed worldwide, and it’s one of the most popular services offered at Blackhawk Plastic Surgery.

CoolSculpting is a FDA-cleared treatment for eliminating stubborn fat. Essentially it freezes the fat cells, which are then naturally processed through the body during the following months. The procedure is non-invasive and requires no downtime, making it a realistic treatment option to busy men and women serious about transforming their body. CoolSculpting doesn’t cause you to lose weight, it rather freezes and kills existing fat cells. Once those fat cells are gone, they are gone for good.

Watch the video below to get an idea of what the treatment entails. More details on my experience are revealed below.

During the treatment

  • My treatment targeted my lower abdomen, and my treatment involved 2 back-to-back sessions meaning 35-minute sessions of the machine running. One was on the left, the other on the right. Since the areas overlapped in the center just below my belly button, the sessions had to be consecutive. If you were getting CoolSculpting on your flanks or biceps for instance, you could potentially do your 2 sessions simultaneously. Blackhawk Plastic Surgery has a ton of different CoolSculpting applicators and equipment, so they have a lot of options for all over the body.
  • I experienced no pain. Since the procedure is freezing your skin, you quickly go numb and cannot feel how much fat is sucked into the attachment. After the session completes, there is a little discomfort when the treated area of skin adjusts back to room temperature.

Immediately following the treatment

  • The first week post treatment feels a bit strange. Nothing uncomfortable, just strangely numb in the treatment area. I traveled the day after my treatment and found comfort in wearing control top SPANX or compression leggings to keep my tender lower abs sucked in. The area swelled up as expected, so it was a bit larger than what I started with. This is totally normal and did not interfere with my day-to-day routine.
  • Within two weeks, the feeling in my lower abs was essentially back to normal. No bruising or visible evidence of a treatment ever been done. Swelling reduced and I was close to my starting physique.
  • Within one month, I began to notice slight smoothing in my lower abdomen. Results are not expected until the 3 month mark, so I kept remained patient to see more tangible differences.
  • Within two months, I noticed significant smoothing of my lower ab area. I was shocked! I was definitely waking up less bloated in the mornings and looking much leaner from the profile view.
  • Within three months, I noticed a significant reduction in the front and side view of my lower abs. You’ll see in the before and after photos below taken at four months out, there’s less of a bulge shape below my belly button. My before and after weight was the same!

After the treatment

  • The before and after says it all. Especially the side view of the area below my belly button is slimmer than before. It looks more consistent with the rest of my stomach.
  • At this point a patient and their doctor can determine if they are a candidate for a 2nd treatment for even more substantial results. Most CoolSculpting patients do between 2 to 4 treatments, each spaced 3 months apart. This can lead to more dramatic results in the area of concern.

Clearly, I am a fan of this treatment and I have been recommending it to everyone I know. Although not everyone is an ideal candidate, it’s best to get a consultation and speak with an expert. Blackhawk Plastic Surgery offers free consultations and an expert level of care. Cost varies depending on the treatment area and number of treatments needed, but plan on an average cost of $750 per visit. Popular treatment areas are the abdomen, flanks (back/side), chin, upper arms, and thighs.

Have you heard about CoolSculpting before? With tempting billboards plastered across the country with sensational messages like “Freeze The Fat!” it’s hard to imagine it’s not a hoax, but hopefully my experience gave you some additional context. I can’t stress enough the importance of seeking the best facility possible to give you the best care possible and realistic expectations. I’ve tried treatments like Botox and Velashape over the years, and I’m so happy with my CoolSculpting treatment results making it one of the favorite procedures I’ve ever tried.

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